
Being a regular Spring Boot 2+ application, the FactCast Server uses as its metrics emitting/collecting solution. In order to get started collecting the metrics FactCast Server emits, you’ll need to choose a backend/store for your metrics. Micrometer has lots of prebuilt bindings to choose from. Please refer to the respective documentation in the Setup section of the micrometer docs.

When it comes to metrics, you’ll have to know what you’re looking for. There are

  • Server metrics in FactCast Server as well as
  • Client metrics in the factcast client and additionally in the
  • factus client library.

We’re focussing on Server metrics here.

Metric namespaces and their organization

At the time of writing, there are six namespaces exposed:

  • factcast.server.timer
  • factcast.server.meter
  • factcast.ui.timer
  • factcast.registry.timer
  • factcast.registry.meter

Depending on your micrometer binding, you may see a slightly different spelling in your data (like ' factcast_store_timer`, if your datasource has a special meaning for the ‘.’-character)

Furthermore, metrics in operations are automatically tagged with

  • an operation name
  • a store name (‘pgsql’ currently) and
  • an exception tag (‘None’ if unset).

Existing metrics

There are a bunch of metrics already emitted in the server. These metrics can be grouped by type:

  • Timers (collecting durations of code execution)
  • Meters (collecting metric events, for example, occurrences of errors)

As this list is continuously growing, we cannot guarantee the documentation’s completeness. If you want to see the current list of operations, please look at , ,, or respectively.

At the time of writing (0.4.3), the metrics exposed by the namespaces group factcast.server are:

handshaketimerDuration of the initial handshake.

At the time of writing (0.7.6), the metrics exposed by the namespaces group are:

publishtimerTime to publish (write) a fact or a list of facts sent by the client.
Ref: concepts
subscribe-followtimerTime to create and return a follow subscription (not the actual stream of facts).
Ref: concepts
subscribe-catchuptimerTime to create and return a catchup subscription (not the actual stream of facts).
Ref: concepts
fetchByIdtimerTime to get a fact from a given ID.
serialOftimerTime to get the serial of a fact.
enumerateNamespacestimerTime to process namespaces enumeration.
enumerateTypestimerTime to process types enumeration.
getStateFortimerTime to get the latest state token for a given fact specification. The state represents the serial of the last fact matching the specifications, and is used by the client to determine whether a fact stream has been updated at a given point in time. Relevant for optimistic locking.
Ref: optimistic locking
publishIfUnchangedtimerTime to check against the given state token and possibly publish (write) a fact or a list of facts sent by the client.
Ref: optimistic locking
getSnapshottimerTime to read a snapshot from the cache.
Ref: snapshots
setSnapshottimerTime to create/update a snapshot from the cache.
Ref: snapshots
clearSnapshottimerTime to delete a snapshot from the cache.
Ref: snapshots
compactSnapshotCachetimerTime to delete old entries from the snapshot cache.
Ref: snapshots
invalidateStateTokentimerTime to invalidate the state token used for optimistic locking. The client can abort the transaction and let the server invalidate the token used for consistency.
Ref: optimistic locking
notifyRoundTripLatencytimerTime it takes for a notify on the database to be echoed back to the listener (roundtrip).
catchupFactmeterCounts the number of facts returned by a catchup subscription or catchup part of a follow subscription request (e.g. Factus managed projections) managed by the EventStore.
Ref: concepts
catchupTransformationRatiometer[deprecated] Percentage of facts transformed (downcasted/upcasted) by the server in response to a subscribed client. Useful for debugging the amount of overhead due to transforming, for subscription returning a significant amount of facts.
Ref: transformation
missedRoundtripmeterIf inactive for more than a configured interval (, the server validates the health of the database connection. For this purpose it sends an internal notification to the database and waits to receive back an answer in the interval defined by This metric counts the number of notifications sent without an answer from the database.
snapshotsCompactedmeterCounts the number of old snapshots deleted. This runs as a dedicated scheduled job, configured by
Ref: snapshots
tailIndicesmeterCounts the number of tail indices being present after tail index maintenance. They have a “state” tag which can be used to distinguish between valid/invalid ones and they carry a “maintenance” tag which can be either skipped or executed and reflects whether maintenance was actually executed due to ongoing index operations.

At the time of writing (0.4.3), the metrics exposed by the namespaces group factcast.registry are:

transformEventtimerTime to transform (upcast/downcast) a single fact.
Ref: transformation
fetchRegistryFiletimerTime to retrieve a file from the schema registry.
Ref: facts validation
refreshRegistrytimerTime to execute the schema registry refresh, in order to get the latest schema and transformation updates.
compactTransformationCachetimerTime to delete old entries from the transformation cache.
transformationCache-hitmeterCounts the number of hits from the transformation cache.
transformationCache-missmeterCounts the number of misses from the transformation cache.
missingTransformationInformationmeterCounts the number of times that the server was not able to find transformation information from the schema registry.
transformationConflictmeterCounts the number of conflicts encountered by the server during schema registry update, which is caused by trying to change an existing transformation.
registryFileFetchFailedmeterCounts the number of times that the server was not able to get a json file from the schema registry.
schemaRegistryUnavailablemeterCounts the number of times that the server was unable to reach the schema registry.
transformationFailedmeterCounts the number of times that the server failed to transform a fact, using downcasting/upcasting scripts.
schemaConflictmeterCounts the number of conflicts detected by the server on the facts schema returned by the schema registry.
factValidationFailedmeterCounts the number of times that the server failed to validate a fact, that is attempted to be published, against the schema registry.
schemaMissingmeterCounts the number of times that the server detected a schema missing from the schema registry.
schemaUpdateFailuremeterCounts the number of times that the server was unable to update its schema definition from the schema registry, while fetching the initial state of the registry or during refresh.

gRPC Metrics

If you’re looking for remote calls and their execution times (including marshalling/de-marshalling from protobuf), you can have a look at the metrics automatically added by the gRPC library that we use. The relevant namespaces are:

  • grpcServerRequestsReceived and
  • grpcServerResponsesSent

These automatically added metrics only focus on service methods defined in the protocol buffer specs. Since a gRPC remote call triggers not everything we want to measure, we introduced additional metrics. When comparing, for instance, the automatically added durations of gRPC vs. the ‘’, you will find a subtle difference. The reason for this is that instead of including the gRPC overhead, we chose to only measure the actual invocations on the FactStore/TokenStore implementation. Depending on your needs, you may want to focus on one or the other.

Executor Metrics

Micrometer provides an integration to monitor the default thread pool executor created by Spring Boot. Under the same namespace executor.*, we publish metrics for our own thread pool executors used inside FactCast.

You can distinguish them by the name tag. Currently, these are:

  • subscription-factory - used for incoming new subscriptions
  • parallel-transformation - used for batch transformation of buffered facts
  • paged-catchup - used for buffered transformation while using the paged catchup strategy
  • transformation-cache - used for inserting/updating entries in the transformation cache (only if you use persisted cache)
  • pg-listener - used by the Guava EventBus that receives signals from the PostgreSQL
  • telemetry - used by the Guava EventBus that receives signals from the FactCast Server ( see telemetry)

See for more information.

UI Metrics

Special metrics for the FactCast-Server UI are published via factcast.ui.timer namespace.

plugin-executiontimerTime to execute a specific plugin for one fact.
fact-processingtimerOverall time to process one fact. This includes execution of every plugin, parsing JSON payload and building the final representation model.

Additionally, all methods of the org.factcast.server.ui.adapter.FactRepositoryImpl are measured time-wise, and can be visualized via class and method dimension.

Last modified October 22, 2024 : #1784: added OPS section (3bc585ba3)