fat-jar (TLS)


In order to run a simple example FactCast server, you could enter the project factcast-examples/factcast-example-server, see fatjar

TLS Server

There is an extra example project that demonstrates the usage of TLS for your server that can be found factcast-example-tls-server

We tried to stick as close as possible to what we have in factcast-examples/factcast-example-server to demonstrate the necessary changes and nothing more.

Obviously, for running a TLS Server, you need a certificate. We packaged a snakeoil localhost certificate for you to test. This cert can be found in src/etc/certificates/. In order to create your own selfsigned certificate, there is a shell script you can use as a starting point.

obviously, you should use proper trusted certificates when you run FactCast in production - you have been warned

In order to run the TLS Server, go to factcast-examples/factcast-example-tls-server and run

mvn spring-boot:run

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