Handler Parameters
Inside projections, Factus uses methods annotated with @Handler
or @HandlerFor
to process events. These methods allow various parameters, also in combination, which can serve as “input” during event handling.
Common Handler Parameters
Parameter Type & Annotation | Description | valid on @Handler | valid on @HandlerFor |
Fact | Provides access to all Fact details including header (JSON) and payload (JSON) | yes | yes |
FactHeader | the Fact header. Provides access to event namespace, type, version, meta entries and others | yes | yes |
UUID | the Fact ID of the Fact header | yes | yes |
FactStreamPosition | the FactStreamPosition that identifies the position of the given fact in the global fact stream | yes | yes |
@Nullable @Meta("foo") String | if present, the value of the fact-header’s meta object attribute “foo”, otherwise null | yes | yes |
@Meta("foo") Optional<String> | if present, the value of the fact-header’s meta object attribute “foo” wrapped in an Optional, otherwise Optional.empty | yes | yes |
? extends EventObject | an instance of a concrete class implementing EventObject . | yes | no |
Extras on Redis atomic Projections
Additional to these common parameters, Projections can add parameters to be used by handler methods. For instance handler methods on @RedisTransactional projections that should use:
Parameter Type | Description | valid on @Handler | valid on @HandlerFor |
RTransaction | needed in a Redis transactional projection | yes | yes |
Here are some examples:
// handle the "SomeThingStarted" event.
// deserialization happened automatically
void apply(SomethingStarted event) {
var someValue = event.getSomeProperty();
// handle the "SomethingChanged" event.
// additionally use information from the Fact header
void apply(SomethingChanged event, FactHeader header) {
int eventVersion = header.version();
String someMetaDataValue = header.meta().get("some-metadata-key");
// use multiple parameters
void apply(SomethingReactivated event,
FactHeader factHeader,
UUID factId,
Fact fact) {
These examples were all based on handling events which
- implement the
interface and - provide their specification details via the
The next section introduces a more direct alternative.
The @HandlerFor
annotation allows only direct access to the Fact data like header or payload without any deserialization.
// handle "SomethingAdded" events in their version 1
// living in the "test" namespace
@HandlerFor(ns = "test", type = "SomethingAdded", version = 1)
void applySomethingAdded(Fact fact) {
String payload = fact.jsonPayload();
// also here, multiple parameters can be used
@HandlerFor(ns = "test", type = "SomethingRemoved", version = 2)
void applySomethingRemoved(FactHeader factHeader, UUID factId, Fact fact) {
Full Example
See here for the full example.
Last modified
July 17, 2024
: #3048: remove redis batch from documentation (b96503c32)