Handler Parameters

Inside projections, Factus uses methods annotated with @Handler or @HandlerFor to process events. These methods allow various parameters, also in combination, which can serve as “input” during event handling.

Common Handler Parameters

Parameter TypeDescriptionvalid on @Handlervalid on @HandlerFor
FactProvides access to all Fact details including header (JSON) and payload (JSON)yesyes
FactHeaderthe Fact header. Provides access to event namespace, type, version, meta entries and othersyesyes
UUIDthe Fact ID of the Fact headeryesyes
? extends EventObjectan instance of a concrete class implementing EventObject.yesno

Extras on Redis atomic Projections

Additional to these common parameters, ProjectionLenses can add parameters to be used by handler methods. For instance handler methods of a @RedisBatched projection should use:

Parameter TypeDescriptionvalid on @Handlervalid on @HandlerFor
RBatchneeded in a Redis batched projectionyesyes

similar to @RedisTransactional projections that should use:

Parameter TypeDescriptionvalid on @Handlervalid on @HandlerFor
RTransactionneeded in a Redis transactional projectionyesyes



Here are some examples:

// handle the "SomeThingStarted" event.
// deserialization happened automatically
void apply(SomethingStarted event) {
    var someValue = event.getSomeProperty();

// handle the "SomethingChanged" event.
// additionally use information from the Fact header
void apply(SomethingChanged event, FactHeader header) {
    int eventVersion = header.version();
    String someMetaDataValue = header.meta().get("some-metadata-key");

// use multiple parameters
void apply(SomethingReactivated event,
           FactHeader factHeader,
           UUID factId,
           Fact fact) {

These examples were all based on handling events which

The next section introduces a more direct alternative.


The @HandlerFor annotation allows only direct access to the Fact data like header or payload without any deserialization.

// handle "SomethingAdded" events in their version 1
// living in the "test" namespace
@HandlerFor(ns = "test", type = "SomethingAdded", version = 1)
void applySomethingAdded(Fact fact) {
    String payload = fact.jsonPayload();

// also here, multiple parameters can be used
@HandlerFor(ns = "test", type = "SomethingRemoved", version = 2)
void applySomethingRemoved(FactHeader factHeader, UUID factId, Fact fact) {

Full Example

See here for the full example.

Last modified July 25, 2023 : Apply formatter (5c9be7efa)