
Before we can look at processing Events, we first have to talk about another abstraction that does not exist in FactCast: Projection

public interface Projection { ...

In Factus, a Projection is any kind of state that is distilled from processing Events - in other words: Projections process (or handle) events.

Persistence / Datastores

Projections are meant to handle Events and create queryable models from them. While these Models can live anywhere (from in-memory to your fancy homegrown database solution), there are a bunch of modules in the factcast project that make integration with foreign datastores easier.

At the point of writing, there is (partly transactional) support for:

local projections

  • in-memory
  • on disk

external projections

  • RDBMS like

or any other via

  • Redis / Valkey
  • AWS DynamoDB
with more to come.

Projections in general

What projections have in common is that they handle Events (or Facts). In order to express that, a projection can have any number of methods annotated with @Handler or @HandlerFor. These methods must be package-level/protected accessible and can be either on the Projection itself or on a nested (non-static) inner class. A simple example might be:

 *  maintains a map of UserId->UserName
public class UserNames implements SnapshotProjection {

    private final Map<UUID, String> existingNames = new HashMap<>();

    void apply(UserCreated created) {
        existingNames.put(created.aggregateId(), created.userName());

    void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {
// ...

Here the EventObject ‘UserDeleted’ and ‘UserCreated’ are just basically tuples of a UserId (aggregateId) and a Name ( userName). Also, projections must have a default (no-args) constructor.

As we established before, you could also decide to use a nested class to separate the methods from other instance methods, like:

public class UserNames implements SnapshotProjection {

    private final Map<UUID, String> existingNames = new HashMap<>();

    class EventProcessing {

        void apply(UserCreated created) {
            existingNames.put(created.aggregateId(), created.userName());

        void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {

// ...

many Flavours

There are several kinds of Projections that we need to look at. But before, let’s start with Snapshotting

Last modified October 23, 2024 : #3217: prominent datastore support (f5036d4f7)