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Before we can look at processing Events, we first have to talk about another abstraction that does not exist in FactCast: Projection

public interface Projection { ...

In Factus, a Projection is any kind of state that is distilled from processing Events - in other words: Projections process (or handle) events.

Persistence / Datastores

Projections are meant to handle Events and create queryable models from them. While these Models can live anywhere (from in-memory to your fancy homegrown database solution), there are a bunch of modules in the factcast project that make integration with foreign datastores easier.

At the point of writing, there is (partly transactional) support for:

local projections

  • in-memory
  • on disk

external projections

  • RDBMS like

or any other via

  • Redis / Valkey
  • AWS DynamoDB
with more to come.

Projections in general

What projections have in common is that they handle Events (or Facts). In order to express that, a projection can have any number of methods annotated with @Handler or @HandlerFor. These methods must be package-level/protected accessible and can be either on the Projection itself or on a nested (non-static) inner class. A simple example might be:

 *  maintains a map of UserId->UserName
public class UserNames implements SnapshotProjection {

    private final Map<UUID, String> existingNames = new HashMap<>();

    void apply(UserCreated created) {
        existingNames.put(created.aggregateId(), created.userName());

    void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {
// ...

Here the EventObject ‘UserDeleted’ and ‘UserCreated’ are just basically tuples of a UserId (aggregateId) and a Name ( userName). Also, projections must have a default (no-args) constructor.

As we established before, you could also decide to use a nested class to separate the methods from other instance methods, like:

public class UserNames implements SnapshotProjection {

    private final Map<UUID, String> existingNames = new HashMap<>();

    class EventProcessing {

        void apply(UserCreated created) {
            existingNames.put(created.aggregateId(), created.userName());

        void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {

// ...

many Flavours

There are several kinds of Projections that we need to look at. But before, let’s start with Snapshotting

1 - Snapshotting

In EventSourcing a Snapshot is used to memorize an object’s state at a certain point in the EventStream, so that when later-on this object has to be retrieved again, rather than creating a fresh one and use it to process all relevant events, we can start with the snapshot (that already has the state of the object from before) and just process all the facts that happened since.

It is easy to see that storing and retrieving snapshots involves some kind of marshalling and unmarshalling, as well as some sort of Key/Value store to keep the snapshots.

Snapshot Serialization

Serialization is done using a SnapshotSerializer.

public interface SnapshotSerializer {
    byte[] serialize(SnapshotProjection a);

    <A extends SnapshotProjection> A deserialize(Class<A> type, byte[] bytes);

     * @return displayable name of the serializer. Make sure it is unique, as it is used as part of
     *     the snapshot key
    SnapshotSerializerId id();

As you can see, there is no assumption whether it produces JSON or anything, it just has to be symmetric. Factus ships with a default SnapshotSerializer, that - you can guess by now - uses Jackson. Neither the most performant, nor the most compact choice. Feel free to create one on your own or use provided optional modules like: factcast-factus-serializer-binary or factcast-factus-serializer-fury

Choosing serializers

If your SnapshotProjection does not declare anything different, it will be serialized using the default SnapshotSerializer known to your SnapshotSerializerSupplier (when using Spring boot, normally automatically bound as a Spring bean).

In case you want to use a different implementation for a particular ‘SnapshotProjection’, you can annotate it with ‘@SerializeUsing’

static class MySnapshotProjection implements SnapshotProjection {

Note that those implementations need to have a default constructor and are expected to be stateless. However, if you use Spring boot those implementations can be Spring beans as well which are then retrieved from the Application Context via the type provided in the annotation.

Snapshot caching

The Key/Value store that keeps and maintains the snapshots is called a SnapshotCache.


When a projection class is changed (e.g. a field is renamed or its type is changed), depending on the Serializer, there will be a problem with deserialization. In order to rebuild a snapshot in this case a “revision” is to be provided for the Projection. Only snapshots that have the same “revision” than the class in its current state will be used.

Revisions are declared to projections by adding a @ProjectionMetaData(revision = 1L) to the type.

1.1 - Snapshot Caching

The component responsible for storing and managing snapshots is called the SnapshotCache.

Factus does not provide a default SnapshotCache, requiring users to make an explicit configuration choice. If a SnapshotCache is not configured, any attempt to use snapshots will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

By default, the SnapshotCache retains only the latest version of a particular snapshot.

There are several predefined SnapshotCache implementations available, with plans to introduce additional options in the future.

In-Memory SnapshotCache

For scenarios where persistence and sharing of snapshots are not necessary, and sufficient RAM is available, the in-memory solution can be used:


Refer to the In-Memory Properties for configuration details.

In-Memory and Disk SnapshotCache

To persist snapshots on disk, consider using the following configuration:


Note that this setup is designed for single-instance applications and handles file access synchronization within the active instance. It is not recommended for distributed application architectures.

Refer to the In-Memory and Disk Properties for more information.

Redis SnapshotCache

For applications utilizing Redis, the Redis-based SnapshotCache offers an optimal solution to implement a snapshotcache that can be shared between / used by many instances:


This option supports multiple instances of the same application, making it suitable for distributed environments. By default, this cache automatically deletes stale snapshots after 90 days.

For further details, see the Redis Properties.

JDBC SnapshotCache

For applications utilizing a JDBC storage solution, the JDBC-based SnapshotCache offers an optimal solution:


This option also enables the use of multiple instances of the same application, facilitating distributed environments by leveraging the ACID properties of the databases. Additionally, the cache is configured by default to automatically purge stale snapshots after 90 days.

⚠️ Warning: This SnapshotCache assumes that you already created the needed table with the specified schema and will fail on startup when this condition is not met.

You can run one of the following SQL scripts to create the necessary table:


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS factcast_snapshot(
    projection_class VARCHAR(512),
    aggregate_id VARCHAR(36) NULL,
    last_fact_id VARCHAR(36),
    bytes BYTEA,
    snapshot_serializer_id VARCHAR(128),
    last_accessed VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (projection_class, aggregate_id));
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS factcast_snapshot_last_accessed_index ON factcast_snapshot(last_accessed);

MySQL & MariaDB

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS factcast_snapshot (
    projection_class VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
    aggregate_id VARCHAR(36) NULL,
    last_fact_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    bytes BLOB,
    snapshot_serializer_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    last_accessed VARCHAR(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (projection_class, aggregate_id)
CREATE INDEX factcast_snapshot_last_accessed_index ON factcast_snapshot (last_accessed);


CREATE TABLE factcast_snapshot (
    projection_class VARCHAR2(512) NOT NULL,
    aggregate_id VARCHAR2(36) NULL,
    last_fact_id VARCHAR2(36) NOT NULL,
    bytes BLOB,
    snapshot_serializer_id VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL,
    last_accessed VARCHAR2(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (projection_class, aggregate_id)
CREATE INDEX factcast_snapshot_last_accessed_index ON factcast_snapshot (last_accessed);

For further details, see the JDBC Properties.

2 - Projection Types

Use the Menu on the left hand side to learn about the different flavors of projections.

2.1 - Snapshot

Now that we know how snapshotting works and what a projection is, it is quite easy to put things together:

A SnapshotProjection is a Projection (read EventHandler) that can be stored into/created from a Snapshot. Let’s go back to the example we had before:

 *  maintains a map of UserId->UserName
public class UserNames implements SnapshotProjection {

  private final Map<UUID, String> existingNames = new HashMap<>();

  void apply(UserCreated created) {
    existingNames.put(created.aggregateId(), created.userName());

  void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {
// ...

This projection is interested in UserCreated and UserDeleted EventObjects and can be serialized by the SnapshotSerializer.

If you have worked with FactCast before, you’ll know what needs to be done (if you haven’t, just skip this section and be happy not to be bothered by this anymore):

  1. create an instance of the projection class, or get a Snapshot from somewhere
  2. create a list of FactSpecs (FactSpecifications) including the Specifications from UserCreated and UserDeleted
  3. create a FactObserver that implements an void onNext(Fact fact) method, that
    1. looks at the fact’s namespace/type/version
    2. deserializes the payload of the fact into the right EventObject’s instance
    3. calls a method to actually process that EventObject
    4. keeps track of facts being successfully processed
  4. subscribe to a fact stream according to the FactSpecs from above (either from Scratch or from the last factId processed by the instance from the snapshot)
  5. await the completion of the subscription to be sure to receive all EventObjects currently in the EventLog
  6. maybe create a snapshot manually and store it somewhere, so that you do not have to start from scratch next time

… and this is just the “happy-path”.

With Factus however, all you need to do is to use the following method:

 * If there is a matching snapshot already, it is deserialized and the
 * matching events, which are not yet applied, will be as well. Afterwards, a new
 * snapshot is created and stored.
 * <p>
 * If there is no existing snapshot yet, or they are not matching (see
 * serialVersionUID), an initial one will be created.
 * @return an instance of the projectionClass in at least initial state, and
 *         (if there are any) with all currently published facts applied.
<P extends SnapshotProjection> P fetch(@NonNull Class<P> projectionClass);


UserNames currentUserNames=factus.fetch(UserNames.class);

Easy, uh? As the instance is created from either a Snapshot or the class, the instance is private to the caller here. This is the reason why there is no ConcurrentHashMap or any other kind of synchronization necessary within UserNames.

Lifecycle hooks

There are plenty of methods that you can override in order to hook into the lifecycle of a SnapshotProjection.

  • onCatchup() - will be called when the catchup signal is received from the server.
  • onComplete() - will be called when the FactStream is at its end (only valid for catchup projections)
  • onError() - whenever an error occurs on the server side or on the client side before applying a fact
  • onBeforeSnapshot() - will be called whenever factus is about to take a snapshot of the projection. Might be an opportunity to clean up.
  • onAfterRestore() - will be called whenever factus deserializes a projection from a snapshot. Might be an opportunity to initialize things.
  • executeUpdate(Runnable) - will be called to update the state of a projection. The runnable includes applying the Fact/Event and also updating the state of the projection, in case you want to do something like introduce transactionality here.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Look at the interfaces/classes you implement/extend and their javadoc.

2.2 - Aggregate

Another special flavor of a Snapshot Projection is an Aggregate. An Aggregate extends the notion on Snapshot Projection by bringing in an aggregate Id. This is the one of the UserNames example. It does not make sense to maintain two different UserNames Projections, because by definition, the UserNames projection should contain all UserNames in the system. When you think of User however, you have different users in the System that differ in Id and (probably) UserName. So calling factus.fetch(User.class) would not make any sense. Here Factus offers two different methods for access:

 * Same as fetching on a snapshot projection, but limited to one
 * aggregateId. If no fact was found, Optional.empty will be returned
<A extends Aggregate> Optional<A> find(
        @NonNull Class<A> aggregateClass,
        @NonNull UUID aggregateId);

 * shortcut to find, but returns the aggregate unwrapped. throws
 * {@link IllegalStateException} if the aggregate does not exist yet.
default <A extends Aggregate> A fetch(
        @NonNull Class<A> aggregateClass,
        @NonNull UUID aggregateId) {
    return find(aggregateClass, aggregateId)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Aggregate of type " + aggregateClass
                    .getSimpleName() + " for id " + aggregateId + " does not exist."));

As you can see, find returns the user as an Optional (being empty if there never was any EventObject published regarding that User), whereas fetch returns the User unwrapped and fails if there is no Fact for that user found.

All the rules from SnapshotProjections apply: The User instance is (together with its id) stored as a snapshot at the end of the operation. You also have the beforeSnapshot() and afterRestore() in case you want to hook into the lifecycle (see SnapshotProjection)

2.3 - Managed

As we have learnt, SnapshotProjections are created from scratch or from Snapshots, whenever you fetch them. If you look at it from another angle, you could call them unmanaged in a sense, that the application has no control over their lifecycle. There are use cases where this is less attractive. Consider a query model that powers a high-traffic REST API. Recreating an instance of a SnapshotProjection for every query might be too much of an overhead caused by the network transfer of the snapshot and the deserialization involved.

Considering this kind of use, it would be good if the lifecycle of the Model would be managed by the application. It also means, there must be a way to ‘update’ the model when needed (technically, to process all the Facts that have not yet been applied to the projection). However, if the Projection is application managed (so that it can be shared between threads) but needs to be updated by catching up with the Fact-Stream, there is a problem we did not have with SnapshotProjections, which is locking.


A ManagedProjection is a projection that is managed by the Application. Factus can be used to lock/update/release a Managed Projection in order to make sure it processes Facts in the correct order and uniquely.

Factus needs to make sure only one thread will change the Projection by catching up with the latest Facts. Also, when Factus has no control over the Projection, the Projection implementation itself needs to ensure that proper concurrency handling is implemented in the place the Projection is being queried from, while being updated. Depending on the implementation strategy used by you, this might be something you don’t need to worry about (for instance when using a transactional datastore).

ManagedProjections are StateAware (they know their position in the FactStream) and WriterTokenAware, so that they provide a way for Factus to coordinate updates.

flexible update

One of the most important qualities of ManagedProjections is that they can be updated at any point. This makes them viable candidates for a variety of use cases. A default one certainly is a “strictly consistent” model, which can be used to provide consistent reads over different nodes that always show the latest state from the fact stream. In order to achieve this, you’d just update the model before reading from it.

// let's consider userCount is a spring-bean
UserCount userCount = new UserCount();

// now catchup with the published events

Obviously, this makes the application dependent on the event store for availability (and possibly latency). The good part however is, that if FactCast was unavailable, you’d still have (a potentially) stale model you can fall back to.

In cases where consistency with the fact-stream is not that important, you might just want to occasionally update the model. An example would be to call update for logged-in users (to make sure, they see their potential writes) but not updating for public users, as they don’t need to see the very latest changes. One way to manage the extends of “staleness” of a ManagedProjection could be just a scheduled update call, once every 5 minutes or whatever your requirements are for public users.

private final UserCount userCount;
private final Factus factus;

@Scheduled(cron = "*/5 * * * *")
public void updateUserCountRegularly(){

If the projection is externalized and shared, keep in mind that your users still get a consistent view of the system, because all nodes share the same state.

Typical implementations

ManagedProjections are often used where the state of the projection is externalized and potentially shared between nodes. Think of JPA Repositories or a Redis database.

The ManagedProjection instance in the application should provide access to the externalized data and implement the locking facility.

Over time, there will be some examples added here with exemplary implementations using different technologies.

However, ManagedProjections do not have to work with externalized state. Depending on the size of the Projection and consistency requirements between nodes, it might also be a good idea to just have an in-process (local) representation of the state. That makes at least locking much easier.

Let’s move on to LocalManagedProjections…

2.4 - Managed (local)

As a specialization of ManagedProjection, a LocalManagedProjection lives within the application process and does not use shared external Databases to maintain its state. Relying on the locality, locking and keeping track of the state (position in the eventstream) is just a matter of synchronization and an additional field, all being implemented in the abstract class LocalManagedProjection that you are expected to extend.

public class UserCount extends LocalManagedProjection {

    private int users = 0;

    void apply(UserCreated created) {

    void apply(UserDeleted deleted) {

    int count() {
        return users;


As you can see, the WriterTokenBusiness and the state management are taken care of for you, so that you can just focus on the implementation of the projection.

Due to the simplicity of use, this kind of implementation would be attractive for starting with for non-aggregates, assuming the data held by the Projection is not huge.

2.5 - Subscribed

The SnapshotProjection and ManagedProjection have one thing in common: The application actively controls the frequency and time of updates by actively calling a method. While this gives the user a maximum of control, it also requires synchronicity. Especially when building query models, this is not necessarily a good thing. This is where the SubscribedProjection comes into play.


A SubscribedProjection is subscribed once to a Fact-stream and is asynchronously updated as soon as the application receives relevant facts.

Subscribed projections are created by the application and subscribed (once) to factus. As soon as Factus receives matching Facts from the FactCast Server, it updates the projection. The expected latency is obviously dependent on a variety of parameters, but under normal circumstances it is expected to be <100ms, sometimes <10ms.

However, its strength (being updated in the background) is also its weakness: the application never knows what state the projection is in (eventual consistency).

While this is a perfect projection type for occasionally connected operations or public query models, the inherent eventual consistency might be confusing to users, for instance in a read-after-write scenario, where the user does not see his own write. This can lead to suboptimal UX und thus should be used cautiously after carefully considering the trade-offs.

A SubscribedProjection is also StateAware and WriterTokenAware. However, the token will not be released as frequently as with a ManagedProjection. This may lead to “starving” models, if the process keeping the lock is non-responsive.

Please keep that in mind when implementing the locking facility.

Read-After-Write Consistency

Factus updates subscribed projections automatically in the background. Therefore a manual update with `` factus.update(projection) is not possible. In some cases however it might still be necessary to make sure a subscribed projection has processed a fact before continuing.

One such use-case might be read-after-write consistency. Imagine a projection powering a table shown to a user. This table shows information collected from facts A and B, where B gets published by the current application, but A is published by another service, which means we need to use a subscribed projection. With the push of a button a user can publish a new B fact, creating another row in the table. If your frontend then immediately reloads the table, it might not yet show the new row, as the subscribed projection has not yet processed the new fact.

In this case you can use the factus.waitFor method to wait until the projection has consumed a certain fact. This method will block until the fact is either processed or the timeout is exceeded.

// publish a fact we need to wait on and extract its ID
final var factId = factus.publish(new BFact(), Fact::id);

factus.waitFor(subscribedProjection, factId, Duration.ofSeconds(5));

With this, the waiting thread will block for up to 5 seconds or until the projection has processed the fact stream up to or beyond the specified fact. If you use this, make sure that the projection you are waiting for will actually process the fact you are waiting on. Otherwise a timeout is basically guaranteed, as the fact will never be processed by this projection.

2.6 - Subscribed (local)

As a specialization of the SubscribedProjection, a LocalSubscribedProjection is local to one VM (just like a LocalManagedProjection). This leads to the same problem already discussed in relation to LocalManagedProjection: A possible inconsistency between nodes.

A LocalSubscribedProjection is providing locking (trivial) and state awareness, so it is very easy to use/extend.

3 - Atomicity


When processing events, an externalized projection has two tasks:

  1. persist the changes resulting from the Fact
  2. store the current fact-stream-position

When using an external datastore (e.g. Redis, JDBC, MongoDB), Factus needs to ensure that these two tasks happen atomically: either both tasks are executed or none. This prevents corrupted data in case e.g. the Datastore goes down in the wrong moment.

Factus offers atomic writes through atomic projections.

  participant Projection
  participant External Data Store
  Projection->>External Data Store: 1) update projection
  Note right of External Data Store: Inside Transaction
  Projection->>External Data Store: 2) store fact-stream-position

In an atomic Projection, the projection update and the update of the fact-stream-position need to run atomically

Factus currently supports atomicity for the following external data stores:


Atomic projections are declared via specific annotations. Currently, supported are

These annotations share a common configuration attribute:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
bulkSizehow many events are processed in a bulk50

as well as, different attributes needed to configure the respective underlying technical solution (Transaction/Batch/…). There are reasonable defaults for all of those attributes present.

Optimization: Bulk Processing

In order to improve the throughput of event processing, atomic projections support bulk processing.

With bulk processing

  • the concrete underlying transaction mechanism (e.g. Spring Transaction Management) can optimize accordingly.
  • skipping unnecessary fact-stream-position updates is possible (see next section).

The size of the bulk can be configured via a common bulkSize attribute of the @SpringTransactional or @RedisTransactional annotation.

Once the bulkSize is reached, or a configured timeout is triggered, the recorded operations of this bulk will be flushed to the datastore.

Skipping fact-stream-position Updates

Skipping unnecessary updates of the fact-stream-position reduces the writes to the external datastore, thus improving event-processing throughput.

The concept is best explained with an example: Suppose we have three events which are processed by a transactional projection and the bulk size set to “1”. Then, we see the following writes going to the external datastore:

  participant Projection
  participant External Data Store
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 1: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 1: store fact-stream-position
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 2: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 2: store fact-stream-position
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 3: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 3: store fact-stream-position

Processing three events with bulk size “1” - each fact-stream-position is written
As initially explained, here, each update of the projection is accompanied by an update of the fact-stream-position.

In order to minimize the writes to the necessary, we now increase the bulk size to “3”:

  participant Projection
  participant External Data Store
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 1: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 2: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 3: update projection data
  Projection->>External Data Store: event 3: store fact-stream-position

Processing three events with bulk size “3” - only the last fact-stream-position written

This configuration change eliminates two unnecessary intermediate fact-stream-position updates. The bulk is still executed atomically, so in terms of fact-stream-position updates, we are just interested in the last, most recent position.

Skipping unnecessary intermediate updates to the fact-stream-position, noticeably reduces the required writes to the external datastore. Provided a large enough bulk size (“50” is a reasonable default), this significantly improves event-processing throughput.

3.1 - Spring Transactional

Broad Data-Store Support

Spring comes with extensive support for transactions which is employed by Spring Transactional Projections.

Standing on the shoulders of Spring Transactions, Factus supports transactionality for every data-store for which Spring transaction management is available. In more detail, for the data-store in question, an implementation of the Spring PlatformTransactionManager must exist.


You would want to use Spring Transactional for two reasons:

  • atomicity of factStreamPosition updates and your projection state updates
  • increased fact processing throughput

The Performance bit is achieved by skipping unnecessary factStreamPosition updates and (more importantly) by reducing the number of transactions on your datastore by using one Transaction for bulkSize updates instead of single writes. For instance, if you use Spring Transactions on a JDBC Datastore, you will have one database transaction around the update of bulkSize events. The bulkSize is configurable per projection via the @SpringTransactional annotation.


In order to make use of spring transaction support, the necessary dependency has to be included in your project:



To use Spring Transactionality, a projection needs to:

  • be annotated with @SpringTransactional to configure bulk and transaction-behavior and
  • implement SpringTxProjection to return the responsible PlatformTransactionManager for this kind of Projection

Applying facts

In your @Handler methods, you need to make sure you use the Spring-Managed Transaction when talking to your datastore. This might be entirely transparent for you (for instance, when using JDBC that assigns the transaction to the current thread), or will need you to resolve the current transaction from the given platformTransactionManager example.

Please consult the Spring docs or your driver’s documentation.

You can find blueprints of getting started in the example section.

3.2 - Redis Transactional

A Redis transactional projection is a transactional projection based on Redisson RTransaction.

Compared to a Spring transactional projection, a Redis transactional projection is more lightweight since

  • transactionality is directly provided by RTransaction. There is no need to deal with Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager
  • the fact stream position is automatically managed (see example below)


You would want to use Redis Transactional for two reasons:

  • atomicity of factStreamPosition updates and your projection state updates
  • increased fact processing throughput

The performance bit is achieved by skipping unnecessary factStreamPosition updates and (more importantly) by reducing the number of operations on your Redis backend by using bulkSize updates with one redisson transsaction instead of single writes. The bulkSize is configurable per projection via the @RedisTransactional annotation.

Working with a Redis transactional projection you can read your own uncommitted write. For this reason, a Redis transactional projection is best used for projections which need to access the projection’s data during the handling of an event.


In order to make use of redisson RTransaction support, the necessary dependency has to be included in your project:



A Redis transactional projection can be a managed- or a subscribed projection and is defined as follows:

  • it is annotated with @RedisTransactional (optional when using the default values and extending one of Factus’ abstract classes mentioned below)
  • it implements RedisProjection revealing the RedisClient used
  • it provides the revision number of the projection via the @ProjectionMetaData annotation
  • the handler methods receive an additional RTransaction parameter


void apply(SomethingHappened fact, RTransaction tx) {
    myMap = tx.getMap( ... ).put( fact.getKey() , fact.getValue() );

a full example can be found here

4 - Examples

In here, you will find some examples that you can use as a simple blueprint to get started building projections. We make use of some abstract classes here that might be more convenient to use. Feel free to study the implementations of those abstracts to see what is going on, especially when you plan to implement projections with different datastore than what we use in the examples.

4.1 - UserNames (Spring/JDBC)

Here is an example for a managed projection externalizing its state to a relational database (PostgreSQL here) using Spring transactional management.

The example projects a list of used UserNames in the System.


We need to store two things in our JDBC Datastore:

  • the actual list of UserNames, and
  • the fact-stream-position of your projection.

Therefore we create the necessary tables (probably using liquibase/flyway or similar tooling of your choice):

    name TEXT,
    id UUID,
    PRIMARY KEY (id));
CREATE TABLE fact_stream_positions (
    projection_name TEXT,
    fact_stream_position UUID,
    PRIMARY KEY (projection_name));

Given a unique projection name, we can use fact_stream_positions as a common table for all our JDBC managed projections.


Since we decided to use a managed projection, we extended the AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection class. To configure transaction management, our managed projection exposes the injected transaction manager to the rest of Factus by calling the parent constructor.

@ProjectionMetaData(serial = 1)
public class UserNames extends AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection {

    private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public UserNames(
            @NonNull PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager, JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

As we’re making use of Spring here, we inject a PlatformTransactionManager and a JdbcTemplate here in order to communicate with the database in a transactional way.

Two remarks:

  1. As soon as your project uses the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency, Spring Boot will automatically provide you with a JDBC-aware PlatformTransactionManager.
  2. To ensure that the database communication participates in the managed transaction, the database access mechanism must be also provided by Spring. Thus, we suggest using the JdbcTemplate.


The @SpringTransactional annotation provides various configuration options:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
bulkSizebulk size50
timeoutInSecondstimeout in seconds30

Updating the projection

The two possible abstract base classes, AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection or AbstractSpringTxSubscribedProjection, both require the following methods to be implemented:

Method SignatureDescription
public UUID factStreamPosition()read the last position in the Fact stream from the database
public void factStreamPosition(@NonNull UUID factStreamPosition)write the current position of the Fact stream to the database
public WriterToken acquireWriteToken(@NonNull Duration maxWait)coordinates write access to the projection, see here for details

The first two methods tell Factus how to read and write the Fact stream’s position from the database.

Writing the fact position

Provided the table fact_stream_positions exists, here is an example of how to write the Fact position:

public void factStreamPosition(@NonNull UUID factStreamPosition) {
            "INSERT INTO fact_stream_positions (projection_name, fact_stream_position) " +
            "VALUES (?, ?) " +
            "ON CONFLICT (projection_name) DO UPDATE SET fact_stream_position = ?",

For convenience, an UPSERT statement (Postgres syntax) is used, which INSERTs the UUID the first time and subsequently only UPDATEs the value.

To avoid hard-coding a unique name for the projection, the provided method getScopedName() is employed. The default implementation makes sure the name is unique and includes the serial of the projection.

Reading the fact position

To read the last Fact stream position, we simply select the previously written value:

public UUID factStreamPosition() {
    try {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
                "SELECT fact_stream_position FROM fact_stream_positions WHERE projection_name = ?",
    } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
        // no position yet, just return null
        return null;

In case no previous Fact position exists, null is returned.

Applying Facts

When processing the UserCreated event, we add a new row to the users tables, filled with event data:

void apply(UserCreated e) {
            "INSERT INTO users (name, id) VALUES (?,?);",

When handling the UserDeleted event we do the opposite and remove the appropriate row:

void apply(UserDeleted e) {
    jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM users where id = ?", e.getAggregateId());

We have finished the implementation of the event-processing part of our projection. What is missing is a way to make the projection’s data accessible for users.

Querying the projection

Users of our projections (meaning “other code”) contact the projection via it’s public API. Currently, there is no public method offering “user names”. So let’s change that:

public List<String> getUserNames() {
    return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT name FROM users", (rs, rowNum) -> rs.getString(1));

Using The Projection

Calling code that wants to talk to the projection, now just needs to call the getUserNames method:

// create a local instance or get a Spring Bean from the ApplicationContext, depending on your code organization
UserNames userNameProjection = new UserNames(platformTransactionManager, jdbcTemplate);

// depending on many factors you *may* want to update the projection before querying it

List<String> userNames = userNameProjection.getUserNames();

First, we create an instance of the projection and provide it with all required dependencies. As an alternative, you may want to let Spring manage the lifecycle of the projection and let the dependency injection mechanism provide you an instance.

Next, we call update(...) on the projection to fetch the latest events from the Fact stream. Note that when you use a pre-existing (maybe Spring managed singleton) instance of the projection, this step is optional and depends on your use-case. As last step, we ask the projection to provide us with user names by calling getUserNames().

Full Example

To study the full example see

4.2 - UserNames (Redis Transactional)

Here is a projection that handles UserCreated and UserDeleted events. It solves the same problem as the example we’ve seen in Spring transactional projections. However, this time we use Redis as our data store and Redisson as the access API.


The @RedisTransactional annotation provides various configuration options:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
bulkSizebulk size50
timeouttimeout in milliseconds until a transaction is interrupted and rolled back30000
responseTimeouttimeout in milliseconds for Redis response. Starts to countdown when transaction has been successfully submitted5000
retryAttemptsmaximum attempts to send transaction5
retryIntervaltime interval in milliseconds between retry attempts3000


Since we decided to use a managed projection, we extended the AbstractRedisTxManagedProjection class. To configure the connection to Redis via Redisson, we injected RedissonClient in the constructor, calling the parent constructor.

@ProjectionMetaData(revision = 1)
public class UserNames extends AbstractRedisTxManagedProjection {

  public UserNames(RedissonClient redisson) {

FactStreamPosition and Lock-Management are automatically taken care of by the underlying AbstractRedisManagedProjection.

In contrast to non-atomic projections, when applying Facts to the Redis data structure, the instance variable userNames cannot be used as this would violate the transactional semantics. Instead, accessing and updating the state is carried out on a transaction derived data-structure (Map here) inside the handler methods.

Updating the projection

Applying Events

Received events are processed inside the methods annotated with @Handler (the handler methods). To participate in the transaction, these methods have an additional RTransaction parameter which represents the current transaction.

Let’s have a closer look at the handler for the UserCreated event:

void apply(UserCreated e, RTransaction tx){
        Map<UUID, String> userNames=tx.getMap(getRedisKey());

In the previous example, the method getRedisKeys() was used to retrieve the Redis key of the projection. Let’s have a closer look at this method in the next section.

Default redisKey

The data structures provided by Redisson all require a unique identifier which is used to store them in Redis. The method getRedisKey() provides an automatically generated name, assembled from the class name of the projection and the serial number configured with the @ProjectionMetaData.

Additionally, an AbstractRedisManagedProjection or a AbstractRedisSubscribedProjection, as well as their transactional (Tx) counterparts, maintain the following keys in Redis:

  • getRedisKey() + "_state_tracking" - contains the UUID of the last position of the Fact stream
  • getRedisKey() + "_lock" - shared lock that needs to be acquired to update the projection.

Redisson API Datastructures vs. Java Collections

As seen in the above example, some Redisson data structures also implement the appropriate Java Collections interface. For example, you can assign a Redisson RMap also to a standard Java Map:

// 1) use specific Redisson type
RMap<UUID, String> = tx.getMap(getRedisKey());

// 2) use Java Collections type
        Map<UUID, String> = tx.getMap(getRedisKey());

There are good reasons for either variant, 1) and 2):

Redisson specificplain Java
extended functionality which e.g. reduces I/O load. (e.g. see RMap.fastPut(...) and RMap.fastRemove(...)standard, intuitive
only option when using data-structures which are not available in standard Java Collections (e.g. RedissonListMultimap)easier to test

Full Example

@ProjectionMetaData(revision = 1)
public class UserNames extends AbstractRedisTxManagedProjection {

  private final Map<UUID, String> userNames;

  public UserNames(RedissonClient redisson) {

     userNames = redisson.getMap(getRedisKey());

  public List<String> getUserNames() {
    return new ArrayList<>(userNames.values());

  void apply(UserCreated e, RTransaction tx) {
    tx.getMap(getRedisKey()).put(e.getAggregateId(), e.getUserName());

  void apply(UserDeleted e, RTransaction tx) {

To study the full example, see

5 - Callbacks

When implementing the Projection interface, the user can choose to override these default hook methods for more fine-grained control:

Method SignatureDescription
List<FactSpec> postprocess(List<FactSpec> specsAsDiscovered)further filter the handled facts via their fact specification including aggregate ID and meta entries
void onCatchup()invoked after all past facts of the streams were processed. This is a good point to signal that the projection is ready to serve data (e.g. via a health indicator).
void onComplete()called when subscription closed without error
void onError(Throwable exception)called when subscription closed after receiving an error. The default impl is to simply logs the error.


Annotating your handler methods gives you a convenient way of declaring a projection’s interest into particular facts, filtered by ns,type,pojo to deserialize into, version etc. This kind of filtering should be sufficient for most of the use-cases. However, annotations have to have constant attributes, so what you cannot do this way is to filter on values that are only available at runtime: A particular aggregateId or a calculated meta-attribute in the header.

For these use-cases the postprocess hook can be used.

The following projection handles SomethingStarted and SomethingEnded events. When updating the projection, Factus invokes the postprocess(...) method and provides it with a list of FactSpec specifications as discovered from the annotations. If you override the default behavior here (which is just returning the list unchanged), you can intercept and freely modify, add or remove the FactSpecs. In our example this list will contain two entries with the FactSpec built from the SomethingStarted and ‘SomethingEnded’ classes respectively.

In the example only facts with a specific aggregate ID and the matching meta entry will be considered, by adding these filters to every discovered FactSpec.

public class MyProjection extends LocalManagedProjection {
  void apply(SomethingStarted event) { // ...
  void apply(SomethingEnded event) { // ...

  public @NonNull List<FactSpec> postprocess(@NonNull List<FactSpec> specsAsDiscovered) {
        spec ->
            // method calls can be chained
                .meta("someMetaAttribute", "someValue"));
    return specsAsDiscovered;


The Factus API will call the onCatchup method after an onCatchup signal was received from the server, indicating that the fact stream is now as near as possible to the end of the FactStream that is defined by the FactSpecs used to filter. Depending on the type of projection, the subscription now went from catchup to follow mode (for follow subscriptions), or is completed right after (for catchup subscriptions, see onComplete). One popular use-case for implementing the onCatchup method is to signal the rest of the service that the projection is ready to be queried and serve (not too stale) data. In Spring for instance, a custom health indicator can be used for that purpose.

public void onCatchup() {
      log.debug("Projection is ready now");
      // perform further actions e.g. switch health indicator to "up"


The onComplete method is called when the server terminated a subscription without any error. It is the last signal a server sends. The default behavior is to ignore this.


The onError method is called when the server terminated a subscription due to an error, or when one of your apply methods threw an exception. The subscription will be closed, either way. The default behavior is to just log the error.

6 - Filtering

When implementing a Projection, you would add handler methods (methods annotated with either @Handler or @HandlerFor) in order to express, what the projection is interested in.

Factus will look at these methods in order to discover fact specifications. These fact specifications form a query which is sent to the FactCast server to create a fact-stream suited for this projection. In detail, for each handler method, a Projector inspects the method’s annotations and parameter types including their annotations to build a FactSpec object. This object contains at least the ns, type properties. Optionally the version property is set.

If you look at a FactSpec however, sometimes it makes sense to use additional filtering possibilities like

  • aggregateId
  • meta key/value pair (one or more) or even
  • JavaScript acting as a predicate.

If for a projection these filters are known in advance, you can use additional annotations to declare them:

  • @FilterByAggId
  • @FilterByScript
  • @FilterByMeta (can be used repeatedly)
  • @FilterByMetaExists (can be used repeatedly)
  • @FilterByMetaDoesNotExist (can be used repeatedly)


Let’s say, you only want to receive events that have a meta pair “priority”:“urgent” in their headers. Here, you would use code like:

  @FilterByMeta(key="priority", value="urgent")
  protected void apply(UserCreated created) {
    // ...

This will add the additional filter defined by the @FilterByMeta annotation to FactSpec. As a result, the filtering now takes place at the server side instead of wasteful client side filtering (like in the body of the apply method). Only those Facts will be returned, that have a meta key-value-pair with a key of priority and a value of urgent.

  protected void apply(UserCreated created) {
    // ...

This will add the additional filter defined by the @FilterByMetaExists annotation to FactSpec. Only those Facts will be returned, that have a meta key-value-pair with a key of priority no matter what the value is.