UserNames (Spring/JDBC)

Here is an example for a managed projection externalizing its state to a relational database (PostgreSQL here) using Spring transactional management.

The example projects a list of used UserNames in the System.


We need to store two things in our JDBC Datastore:

  • the actual list of UserNames, and
  • the fact-stream-position of your projection.

Therefore we create the necessary tables (probably using liquibase/flyway or similar tooling of your choice):

    name TEXT,
    id UUID,
    PRIMARY KEY (id));
CREATE TABLE fact_stream_positions (
    projection_name TEXT,
    fact_stream_position UUID,
    PRIMARY KEY (projection_name));

Given a unique projection name, we can use fact_stream_positions as a common table for all our JDBC managed projections.


Since we decided to use a managed projection, we extended the AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection class. To configure transaction management, our managed projection exposes the injected transaction manager to the rest of Factus by calling the parent constructor.

@ProjectionMetaData(serial = 1)
public class UserNames extends AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection {

    private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public UserNames(
            @NonNull PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager, JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

As we’re making use of Spring here, we inject a PlatformTransactionManager and a JdbcTemplate here in order to communicate with the database in a transactional way.

Two remarks:

  1. As soon as your project uses the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency, Spring Boot will automatically provide you with a JDBC-aware PlatformTransactionManager.
  2. To ensure that the database communication participates in the managed transaction, the database access mechanism must be also provided by Spring. Thus, we suggest using the JdbcTemplate.


The @SpringTransactional annotation provides various configuration options:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
bulkSizebulk size50
timeoutInSecondstimeout in seconds30

Updating the projection

The two possible abstract base classes, AbstractSpringTxManagedProjection or AbstractSpringTxSubscribedProjection, both require the following methods to be implemented:

Method SignatureDescription
public UUID factStreamPosition()read the last position in the Fact stream from the database
public void factStreamPosition(@NonNull UUID factStreamPosition)write the current position of the Fact stream to the database
public WriterToken acquireWriteToken(@NonNull Duration maxWait)coordinates write access to the projection, see here for details

The first two methods tell Factus how to read and write the Fact stream’s position from the database.

Writing the fact position

Provided the table fact_stream_positions exists, here is an example of how to write the Fact position:

public void factStreamPosition(@NonNull UUID factStreamPosition) {
            "INSERT INTO fact_stream_positions (projection_name, fact_stream_position) " +
            "VALUES (?, ?) " +
            "ON CONFLICT (projection_name) DO UPDATE SET fact_stream_position = ?",

For convenience, an UPSERT statement (Postgres syntax) is used, which INSERTs the UUID the first time and subsequently only UPDATEs the value.

To avoid hard-coding a unique name for the projection, the provided method getScopedName() is employed. The default implementation makes sure the name is unique and includes the serial of the projection.

Reading the fact position

To read the last Fact stream position, we simply select the previously written value:

public UUID factStreamPosition() {
    try {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
                "SELECT fact_stream_position FROM fact_stream_positions WHERE projection_name = ?",
    } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
        // no position yet, just return null
        return null;

In case no previous Fact position exists, null is returned.

Applying Facts

When processing the UserCreated event, we add a new row to the users tables, filled with event data:

void apply(UserCreated e) {
            "INSERT INTO users (name, id) VALUES (?,?);",

When handling the UserDeleted event we do the opposite and remove the appropriate row:

void apply(UserDeleted e) {
    jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM users where id = ?", e.getAggregateId());

We have finished the implementation of the event-processing part of our projection. What is missing is a way to make the projection’s data accessible for users.

Querying the projection

Users of our projections (meaning “other code”) contact the projection via it’s public API. Currently, there is no public method offering “user names”. So let’s change that:

public List<String> getUserNames() {
    return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT name FROM users", (rs, rowNum) -> rs.getString(1));

Using The Projection

Calling code that wants to talk to the projection, now just needs to call the getUserNames method:

// create a local instance or get a Spring Bean from the ApplicationContext, depending on your code organization
UserNames userNameProjection = new UserNames(platformTransactionManager, jdbcTemplate);

// depending on many factors you *may* want to update the projection before querying it

List<String> userNames = userNameProjection.getUserNames();

First, we create an instance of the projection and provide it with all required dependencies. As an alternative, you may want to let Spring manage the lifecycle of the projection and let the dependency injection mechanism provide you an instance.

Next, we call update(...) on the projection to fetch the latest events from the Fact stream. Note that when you use a pre-existing (maybe Spring managed singleton) instance of the projection, this step is optional and depends on your use-case. As last step, we ask the projection to provide us with user names by calling getUserNames().

Full Example

To study the full example see

Last modified July 25, 2023 : Apply formatter (9a486b67c)