
When implementing a Projection, you would add handler methods (methods annotated with either @Handler or @HandlerFor) in order to express, what the projection is interested in.

Factus will look at these methods in order to discover fact specifications. These fact specifications form a query which is sent to the FactCast server to create a fact-stream suited for this projection. In detail, for each handler method, a Projector inspects the method’s annotations and parameter types including their annotations to build a FactSpec object. This object contains at least the ns, type properties. Optionally the version property is set.

If you look at a FactSpec however, sometimes it makes sense to use additional filtering possibilities like

  • aggregateId
  • meta key/value pair (one or more) or even
  • JavaScript acting as a predicate.

If for a projection these filters are known in advance, you can use additional annotations to declare them:

  • @FilterByAggId
  • @FilterByScript
  • @FilterByMeta (can be used repeatedly)


Let’s say, you only want to receive events that have a meta pair “priority”:“urgent” in their headers. Here, you would use code like:

  @FilterByMeta(key="priority", value="urgent")
  protected void apply(UserCreated created) {
    // ...

This will add the additional filter defined by the @FilterByMeta annotation to FactSpec. As a result, the filtering now takes place at the server side instead of wasteful client side filtering (like in the body of the apply method).